Perkins eligible recipients submit a local application for review by CCCS. The local application aligns accountability, required uses of local funds, implementation strategies and local strategic planning. The local plan serves as a local grant management tool.  Annually, a reflection and budget are provided to detail the implementation plan for the grant recipient.

The local applications must fully address the required contents of the Local Plan as specified in Section 134 (b) of the Act; CCCS will require each Local Recipient to specifically address how it will continuously improve upon each Perkins performance metric (Colorado’s term for the Perkins accountability indicators). If a Local Recipient is unable to meet or exceed its performance metrics, the sub-recipient will complete a local improvement plan for those performance metrics.  To see the questions included in the local application, please refer to the appendices of our State Perkins Plan.

CFDA Number 

The Federal CFDA number for the Carl Perkins grant is 84.048A